"Lebih berat mana? Satu kilo paku atau satu kilo kapas?"
We hear this trick question this often that we've memorized the question by heart. But when it's the first time for us to hear it; some of us would get the answer right, more would need a few minutes to think, and even more (me included) would confidently give the classic stupid answer: the nails weighs more!!!
In a mass earlier this afternoon, the preacher mentioned this question in his homily. The gospel was taken from tho book of Mathew, and one of the verse (Matthew 11:30) says "for my yoke is easy and my burden is light." The preacher spoke about how hard it is to convince people who are burdened with earthly matters such as illness on how Jesus gives 'light' burden while in reality He gave them illness. (do forgive me Lord/Lady, I don't mean to speak ill of You)
The preacher than mentioned the previously mentioned question. He said that sometimes the problem does not lie in the God-given-burden, but in the perception of men. (sure! blame it on the imperfect human, like you always do (you as in preachers, not in God)) Most of the times, us humans tend to ovorperceive burdens that God has bestowed upon us. We perceive the burden as the nails and therefore believe that it weighs more than it truly is. This statement makes me wonder of another question. Sure, they both weighs the same, but would you rather a kilo of nails or a kilo of cotton to fall over you? In the head?
Personally, I think one kilo of cotton on the head would feel a lot less painful than a kilo of nail. Than I wonder, maybe that's the problem. It's not the weigh that makes humankind sends angry protest prayers to God. Its the material of choice and method of delivery. Instead of dropping bag of nails onto people's head, He/She should really consider dropping a pillow instead. I bet that would save a lot of churches from losing its flock.