November 25, 2009

From A Woman To Her Man

Who are  you?
What are you doing here?

How can there be a being with such familiarity
that holds so much mystery?

Why is it you know everything about me?
But at the same time don't know a thing?
You always seem to make me smile
Yet constantly, these tears are dripping for you

At times I can read you like an open book
Other times you are nothing but a locked door
I get your every single move
I can't understand any of your words

Everything about you is new
Yet I recognize everything
You're my friend, my brother,
My enemy, my father

With you, I lose control
And you alone can restrain me
When you're here I act like you're away
And when you're not I long to be by your side

What is it that makes me long for you when it's cold outside?
What is it that makes me want to share with you when the sun shines bright?

I can never let you go..
I don't think I want to..
I don't care if I never understand you
All I know is that I wouldn't want no other

November 18, 2009

Song of The Nine

Let me tell you a story of the muses.

In the spring of Pieries resides the offsprings of Zeus and Mnemosyne. Swift on their feet and sweet on their voice, they praise and praise the Gods and Goddesses with their song and dance. Cleio and Euterpe, Thaleia, Melpomene and Terpsichore, and Erato and Polyhymnia and Urania and Calliope, as they were called; together with the lovely sound of Apollo's lyre they lifts sorrow from one's heart.

Come, oh come, oh men
Sing and dance with us and forget your pain
For our hearts are filled with songs and minds are free from care
One whisper from us would fill your minds with the thrill of epic and tragedy,
the beauty music and history, dance and poetry,
and lets not forget about the wonder of comedy and astronomy

Our melodies tell stories about things that are and there shall be
We sing of Chaos and his shameful deeds

of Aprodhite, Cyntherea, Cyprogenes, Philomedes and Eros
of the immortals: the gods and the beings
those who are beautiful and those who are eerie
and of the gloom fate Titans have brought upon themselves

We spoke of Zeus, he who are mighty and wise
who as driven the Titans away from heavens 
who reigns over the gods and men alike

So join us, join us in feasts and the pleasure of songs
Worry not, oh mortal men
For we,  the holder of the Aegis, the enemy of agony
would blow maladies of your wounds
leaving you with nothing but joy in your hearts and smile on your face

Bertel Thorvaldsen: Apollo and the Muses, Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin
picture taken from here

November 14, 2009

Welcoming Rainy Season With Arms Wide Open

Finally!! After being exposed to intense and unmerciful heat for months and months rain has finally fallen in Yogyakarta. And I don't mean those kinds of superficial rain that has happenned a few times. No, this one is not superficial at all. Instead, it's a real-nourishing-the-earth-and-making-you-euphoric kind of rain.Could it be that this is a sign of the beginning of rainy season? Please, oh please tell me it is.. *crossing fingers*

It has always been a delight to see my raindrops running down my windows. Especially after experiencing previously prolonged drought. Even though I have written a report about it and have gone places to gather the fact, but experiencing the effect of climate change first hand on the town where you live is a totally different experience. I was sure that the intense heat wave that was lingering in the town of Yogyakarta will eventually kill me--and this is very very likely considering the frequency of  heat stokes I've experienced during the past few months. Therefore, I solemnly thak God for this beautiful, beautiful rain.

However, I do believe that we have not yet seen the worst part of global warming yet. *gulp* I also believed that we need to take actions to (at least) slow the rapid progression of global warming. I'm probably not worthy of the title environmentalist, however, I am currently changing my livestyle to a more energy-efficient-non-hurtful-to-nature kind of way. I have (most of the times) denied myself from the right to make use of plastic bags to wrap things I buy or borrow by bringing my own bag; tried unplugging electrical appliances after I finished using them (although I forgot to do it numerous time); turned out the lights in my room every day when it's still bright (and enjoy the warm colored sunrays every day) and also when I went to bed (although many times I fell asleep before I had the chance to switch the light off). They're baby steps, that I realized. However, it's better than nothing at all.

For you who lived in a boarding house like me, especially accross Indonesia, it might felt insignificant for you to unplug all electronic appliances when your next door neighbour(s) is(/are) playing Point Blank 24/7; but I believe that what really matters is the commitment you have in bettering the condition of our surrounding, no matter what's the reason behind that commitment. Personally for me, is the hope of someday I would never ever experience any more of those darn heat-strokes.

It seems that the rain has finally stopped. I think I'll go back to what I'm doing prior to writing this blog, washing my laundry. What a tedious, teeedious chore.. Someone has to do it though. Well, toodle-loo for now!

*picture is courtesy of  Mark Gerstein and can be found here

November 12, 2009

First Step

hari ini hidup terus berjalan ke depan
tinggalkan lamunan dan kesepian
menghirup nafas-nafas penghabisan 

~penggalan dari "Hari Ini Dan Esok Dalam Hidup," Prasetya Modana

Even though I realize that every single time I spent wandering around neverland means more time wasted, somehow I still failed to force myself to move forward. The world doesn't care about me. It would revolve at the same velocity no matter how hard I try to ignore that fact. All of a sudden I'm left behind, all alone. It's not anybody's fault. I know they have tried to back me up, best as they could. But the time has come for them to move forward, and I rejoice with them every step of the way.

There's one thing I recently realized: my goal never moved an inch. It stays exactly where I first put them. The problem is, I never moved an inch either. I never try to reduce the distance between us. And when everyone has reached that goal of theirs, it's remains out of my reach.

For what has happenned, I have no regrets; but I also realize that everything that has happened to me is merely the fruit of my own wrongdoings and it's up to me to make it right. Must move now! There's no more time to waste!

Mockingbird's Nocturne

Hush little baby don't say a word
Mamma's gonna buy you a mockingbird

My whole body ache and I feel acid in my stomach slowly seeping. Hurting me on its way. I think I already had enough of this day. There's only one more thing to do on nene. I'll just finish it then lay myself down.

And if that mockingbird won't sing
Mamma's gonna buy you a diamond ring

Whoa, that one more thing led to another and another and another. I wonder how late this is? Hmm.. I'm sure it's not that late. Maybe I still have time to check how's my sims' doing. I would only do it for half an hour max.

If that diamond ring turns brass
Mamma's gonna buy you a looking glass

Before I realize it, I no longer hear music playing from dedy's computer; nor met chatting with puput. That's unusual. Ah, they're probably working on one of their college assignment. Wonder why their proffessors seems to enjoy pushing their students to their limits..

If that looking glass gets broke
Mamma's gonna buy you a billy goat

As always, nothing significant happens to my friends. Nindy with another of her wild fantasies, Abang gets another item for his mafia, Ika posts another quotation from, Vibhi uploads a new pic. Nothing interesting. But let me check the live feed once more just to be sure.

If that billy goat won't pull
Mamma's gonna buy you a cart and bull

Gosh, what's wrong with TV network in this country?! I wonder would people watch family members curse each other on TV if they have options. I really miss the 90s where there's Quantum Leap and Remington Steele. Oh well, I guess I'm just going to have to bear with this shit. Hey! The wife just fainted on TV! What a drama..

If that cart and bull turns over
Mamma's gonna buy you a dog named rover

Finally! something worth watching. I'm curious, whether the guest star would be Dr. Oz, Suzie Orman, or Bob Greene. They never seem to run out of topics. Oh, wow! A blue man! Oooh, this is gonna be good.

If that dog named rover don't bark
Mamma's gonna buy you a horse and cart

Why do I hear the prayers? Is it dawn already? Gosh, even the cocks are yodeling. Well, I guess it really is dawn. Oh brother, I really need to get some rest. Before long the guys would wake up and it would be too noisy for me to sleep.

And if that horse and cart falls down
You'd still be the sweetest little baby in town

Everything is off now. And I'm lying flat in my bed. As usual, my eyes won't cooperate with me. It seems like they ignore the fact that all my power is drained and I need to close them for a while. Hhh.. I wonder would I be able to wake up early today..