November 18, 2009

Song of The Nine

Let me tell you a story of the muses.

In the spring of Pieries resides the offsprings of Zeus and Mnemosyne. Swift on their feet and sweet on their voice, they praise and praise the Gods and Goddesses with their song and dance. Cleio and Euterpe, Thaleia, Melpomene and Terpsichore, and Erato and Polyhymnia and Urania and Calliope, as they were called; together with the lovely sound of Apollo's lyre they lifts sorrow from one's heart.

Come, oh come, oh men
Sing and dance with us and forget your pain
For our hearts are filled with songs and minds are free from care
One whisper from us would fill your minds with the thrill of epic and tragedy,
the beauty music and history, dance and poetry,
and lets not forget about the wonder of comedy and astronomy

Our melodies tell stories about things that are and there shall be
We sing of Chaos and his shameful deeds

of Aprodhite, Cyntherea, Cyprogenes, Philomedes and Eros
of the immortals: the gods and the beings
those who are beautiful and those who are eerie
and of the gloom fate Titans have brought upon themselves

We spoke of Zeus, he who are mighty and wise
who as driven the Titans away from heavens 
who reigns over the gods and men alike

So join us, join us in feasts and the pleasure of songs
Worry not, oh mortal men
For we,  the holder of the Aegis, the enemy of agony
would blow maladies of your wounds
leaving you with nothing but joy in your hearts and smile on your face

Bertel Thorvaldsen: Apollo and the Muses, Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin
picture taken from here

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